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90 Days of .NET Full-Stack Coding

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This Course Includes:

  • 30 Hours of Mentor & AI Assisted Learning
  • 150 Hours of Self-Assisted Hands-on Learning
  • 5 Real-World Projects: Engage in projects that solve real-world problems, enhancing practical skills and understanding.
  • 50+ downloadable resources and materials with lifetime access.
  • Earn a professional certification that validates your skills and knowledge.


Course Overview

In this intensive 12-week bootcamp, you will become a proficient full-stack developer using the .NET framework. From the first week, you will start building a fully functional web application, learning crucial concepts such as C# programming, ASP.NET Core, Entity Framework, RESTful APIs, and front-end technologies like Angular or React. Each week combines hands-on lab sessions with theoretical insights, ensuring you gain real-world skills. By the end of the course, you will have a comprehensive understanding of .NET full-stack development and a portfolio of projects showcasing your skills.

What You'll Learn

Course Content

Week 1: Introduction to .NET and C# Programming Get started with the .NET environment and C# programming language. Set up your development environment.

Hands-on Lab Sessions & Key Activities:

  • Install Visual Studio and .NET SDK.
  • Write and run basic C# programs.
  • Understand C# syntax and structure.

Concepts Learned:

  • Introduction to .NET and its ecosystem.
  • Basic C# syntax and structure.
  • Development environment setup.

Week 2: Object-Oriented Programming in C# Dive into object-oriented programming (OOP) concepts with C#.

Hands-on Lab Sessions & Key Activities:

  • Implement classes, objects, inheritance, and polymorphism.
  • Create a simple application using OOP principles.

Concepts Learned:

  • Classes and objects in C#.
  • Inheritance, polymorphism, and encapsulation.
  • Practical OOP applications.

Week 3: ASP.NET Core Fundamentals Learn the basics of building web applications with ASP.NET Core.

Hands-on Lab Sessions & Key Activities:

  • Set up an ASP.NET Core project.
  • Create controllers, views, and models.
  • Implement a simple MVC application.

Concepts Learned:

  • Introduction to ASP.NET Core.
  • MVC architecture.
  • Basic web application structure.

Week 4: Entity Framework Core and Database Integration Integrate databases using Entity Framework Core.

Hands-on Lab Sessions & Key Activities:

  • Set up Entity Framework Core.
  • Create and manage databases.
  • Perform CRUD operations.

Concepts Learned:

  • Introduction to Entity Framework Core.
  • Database integration.
  • CRUD operations with EF Core.

Week 5: RESTful API Development with ASP.NET Core Build RESTful APIs using ASP.NET Core.

Hands-on Lab Sessions & Key Activities:

  • Create API controllers and endpoints.
  • Handle HTTP requests and responses.
  • Test APIs using tools like Postman.

Concepts Learned:

  • RESTful API principles.
  • API development with ASP.NET Core.
  • Testing and debugging APIs.

Week 6: Front-End Development with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript Learn the basics of front-end development using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Hands-on Lab Sessions & Key Activities:

  • Create responsive web pages.
  • Implement interactivity with JavaScript.
  • Style web pages using CSS.

Concepts Learned:

  • HTML and CSS fundamentals.
  • JavaScript for front-end development.
  • Responsive design principles.

Week 7: Advanced Front-End Development with Angular/React Dive into advanced front-end development with Angular or React.

Hands-on Lab Sessions & Key Activities:

  • Set up an Angular or React project.
  • Build dynamic web applications.
  • Implement state management and routing.

Concepts Learned:

  • Angular/React basics.
  • Component-based architecture.
  • State management and routing.

Week 8: Full-Stack Development with ASP.NET Core and Angular/React Integrate front-end and back-end to build a full-stack application.

Hands-on Lab Sessions & Key Activities:

  • Develop a full-stack project.
  • Connect the front-end with back-end services.
  • Implement authentication and authorization.

Concepts Learned:

  • Full-stack development workflow.
  • Front-end and back-end integration.
  • User authentication and authorization.

Week 9: Advanced Topics in ASP.NET Core Explore advanced topics and features in ASP.NET Core.

Hands-on Lab Sessions & Key Activities:

  • Implement dependency injection.
  • Use middleware for request handling.
  • Optimize application performance.

Concepts Learned:

  • Dependency injection in ASP.NET Core.
  • Middleware and request pipeline.
  • Application performance optimization.

Week 10: Testing and Debugging .NET Applications Learn to test and debug .NET applications effectively.

Hands-on Lab Sessions & Key Activities:

  • Write unit tests with xUnit.
  • Perform integration testing.
  • Debug applications using Visual Studio tools.

Concepts Learned:

  • Unit testing with xUnit.
  • Integration testing techniques.
  • Debugging strategies and tools.

Week 11: Deployment and CI/CD Prepare your application for deployment and set up CI/CD pipelines.

Hands-on Lab Sessions & Key Activities:

  • Deploy applications to cloud platforms (e.g., Azure).
  • Set up CI/CD pipelines with GitHub Actions or Azure DevOps.
  • Monitor and maintain deployed applications.

Concepts Learned:

  • Deployment strategies.
  • Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD).
  • Application monitoring and maintenance.

Week 12: Capstone Project and Presentation Complete and present your final full-stack project.

Hands-on Lab Sessions & Key Activities:

  • Develop a comprehensive full-stack application.
  • Review and refine the project.
  • Present the project and receive feedback.

Concepts Learned:

  • End-to-end project development.
  • Presentation and communication skills.
  • Project review and feedback.

Final Notes: By the end of this course, you will have developed multiple projects, including a comprehensive capstone project that demonstrates your full-stack .NET development skills. This bootcamp is designed to provide you with practical, hands-on experience, ensuring you are ready for a career in .NET full-stack development.

This Course Includes

  1. 30 Hours of Mentor & AI Assisted Learning
  2. 150 Hours of Self-Assisted Hands-on Learning
  3. 5 Real-World Projects: Engage in projects that solve real-world problems, enhancing practical skills and understanding.
  4. 50+ downloadable resources and materials with lifetime access.
  5. Earn a professional certification that validates your skills and knowledge.

How Will This Training Help You Get a Job?

  1. Certification: Complete the course and earn a certification to showcase your skills.
  2. Join the Renewin Marketplace to get jobs:

    Sign up and apply to join the Renewin Marketplace.

    Upload your resume and get matched with Oghamind customers and clients looking to hire skilled developers.

  3. Get Freelance Projects on Renewin Marketplace & Build Your Client Base:

    Once accepted, start growing your client base by getting hired to design and develop projects on the Renewin Marketplace.

Skill-Building and Job Preparation

  1. Self-Assisted Hands-on Learning Sessions: Engage in personalized practice sessions tailored to your learning pace and style.
  2. Quizzes and Assessments: Regular quizzes and assessments to track your progress and ensure comprehension.
  3. Job-Readiness Checker: Evaluate your job readiness through practical tests and simulations.
  4. Interview Preparation: Prepare for technical interviews with mock interviews and interview simulations.
  5. Practice Code Challenges and Technical Problem-Solving.
  6. AI Learning Assistance: Receive guidance and support from AI tools to enhance your learning experience.
  7. Professional Certifications and Career Paths: Obtain certifications that are recognized by the industry. Explore different career paths and align your learning with your career goals.
  8. Daily Learning Status Meetings: Participate in daily meetings to review your progress and plan your learning activities.
  9. Timesheets and Reports: Keep track of your learning hours and progress with detailed timesheets and reports.
  10. Peer Collaboration: Work with peers on group projects to enhance collaborative and team-working skills.
  11. Live Coding Sessions: Participate in live coding sessions to get real-time feedback and learn from instructors.
  12. Portfolio Development: Build a professional portfolio showcasing your projects and skills to potential employers.
  13. Soft Skills Training: Develop essential soft skills such as communication, teamwork, and problem-solving.
  14. Access to Industry Experts: Gain insights and advice from industry experts through webinars and Q&A sessions.
  15. Resume and LinkedIn Optimization: Get assistance in optimizing your resume and LinkedIn profile to attract employers and network effectively.

About oghamind - Training Partner

oghamind is platform for online learning and career development that offers anyone, anywhere, access to online courses.

oghamind partners with more than 55 leading universities and companies to bring flexible, affordable, job-relevant online learning to individuals and organizations worldwide. We offer a range of learning opportunities—from hands-on projects and courses to job-ready certificates and degree programs.

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